Clients & Projects

Boxelder Basin Regional Stormwater Authority

The Boxelder Basin Regional Stormwater Authority was created in August 2008 by Larimer County, the City of Fort Collins and the Town of Wellington in accordance with Colorado Revised Statute 29-1-203 by intergovernmental agreement (IGA).

Authority Responsibility – The Authority is responsible for the implementation (including design, construction, operations, and maintenance) of regional improvements of the adopted Boxelder Stormwater Master Plan (Master Plan). The configuration of these regional improvements has changed since the original Master Plan due to site constraints and right of way issues. The three principal projects have now been constructed they include:

  • The Coal Creek Flood Mitigation Facility at Clark Reservoir has been dredged and the spillway has been expanded to add floodwater capacity to the existing water storage facility. This reduced stormwater flows in Coal Creek and Boxelder Creek downstream of this facility.
  • The East Side Detention Facility (ESDF), a stormwater detention facility adjacent to the Gray Lakes Irrigation Reservoirs, and across I25 from the Budweiser Brewery north of Fort Collins. This facility will substantially reduce stormwater flows along Boxelder Creek south of ESDF
  • The Larimer Weld Canal Crossing Structure is a side flow spillway on the Larimer Weld Canal located about one mile south of ESDF which will control stormwater flows overtopping the canal in the 100-year event.





City of Fort Collins, Colorado




Boxelder Basin Regional Stormwater Authority

Phone Number


District Team

  • Kevin MittsDistrict Manager
  • Christy McCutchenCommunity Manager
  • Rupesh BaralAccountant
  • Doug CampbellCapital Project Manager
  • Shadrack TooAssistant Capital Project Manager
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