We had the opportunity to partner with Serve 6.8 during the month of March for the second annual March Food Madness Drive. Thanks to community members and businesses, over 26,000 shelf-stable items were donated to stock the Resource Centers in the community!

The HR department did an amazing job organizing our own Sweet Sixteen food bracket for the departments to face off in. The Corporate department crushed the competition during the first three weeks with diligent planning and searching through the sales ads. However, Finance & Accounting swooped in for the overall win, having cleared out every Safeway in Loveland and Greeley of their dried beans supply. Together Pinnacle staff was able to donate 2,726 items, a whopping 832 more than last year!

If you or someone you know could benefit from Serve 6.8’s services or to volunteer your time, you can get more information on their website https://serve68.org/